Owner Profile
- 1974: Born and grew up in Hakuba
- 1989–1991: Hakuba High School Alpine Skiing Club
- 1992–1995: Whistler Mountain Ski Club (B.C. Canada)
Participated in the downhill ski competition tour around North America - 1995-: Returned to Hakuba
- 1997: All Japan Ski Championships downhill category 3rd prize
- 1998: Official downhill course test skier of 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games
- 1999: Chief coach of the local ski club "Hakuba Minami-sho Junior"
- 2013: Instructor of GOJU-RYU BUJUTSUKAN HAKUBA DOJO (martial arts school)
- 2014: Owner of "Pals Inn Raicho"
- 2015: Ryukyu Karate GOJU-RYU martial arts 4-dan grade